Porta da "Traição"
( Treason’s Portal )At the southwest top of Barbacan there is a False Door that was made in stone masonry, most likely in the modern phase of fortification.
This material was introduced in the Mediterranean morphology of the barbican: it is distinctive of the first fortification so it easily incorporates the door frame and it is totally different from the way of laying the different masonry infill.
The new access stairs to the bastion landing is the result of the occasional dismantling of the masonry covering the frame of the span, thus widening the settlement of the initial landing and configuration of a staircase with a new design and new materiality (granite and corten steel), allowing to distinguish between what is new and what is authentic and integral, meaning an harmony in integration, but totally reversible.
This intervention opens a new perspective on the landscape, the territory while also getting a new view of the place and the castle itself.

PP 2021
Before the Project
2016 - 2019
Works in Progress
2019 - 2021PP