Pátio Casa Inquisidor-Mor
house patio Portal)The proposal of an external (Barbacan) and internal interconnection path (from the Portas de Évora through the Casa da Inquisão to the Castle) made available and opened interior spaces (such as the Pátio da Inquisição where a new interpretive center now operates) that can be appropriated by the citizens of Monsaraz (popular festivities, family festivities such as weddings and baptisms, etc.).
The main construction material for the walls and castle of Monsaraz is the schist of the region, however, granite is used in exceptional construction situations, such as in Porta do pátio da Casa da Inquisição. Here, the stonework block of granite is used to build a soil retaning wall, providing the necessary mechanical resistance and a rigor and constructive erudition that accentuates this path, while in harmon with the new proposed stairs that are exceptional elements. Its construction in solid blocks and equipped with granite, detached from the existing opening, guarantees continuity with the materials of the wall, evidencing the time of the new intervention.

PP 2021
Before the Project
2016 - 2019

Works in Progress
2016 - 2019